So for a journal assignment, my students were to write about one or more of the following topics: superstitions, beliefs, ghosts, the supernatural, cultural “taboos”, etc.
Check out an excerpt from one guy's paper (which he posted on Blackboard):
In my country, there are some stories about ghost, too. Especially in my city, there was a story about the ghost with no head. Every night, it comes out and kidnaps children to eat. No one has power to go against him until a special child was born. His name is Thach. He is the son of the god. He has a super power. He didn’t say any word until he is 3 years old. Then, he grew up very fast and became a strong man. He came out and killed the Ghost. After he killed it, he went to the top of the Hai Son mountain and flew up to the sky.
Wow, huh? Somehow, it reminds me of the story of salvation in a remote way. Jesus, is the Son of God. He came to earth as a special child (of course fully God at the same time). After he defeated death, he went up to heaven...In my response to this particular student's entry, though, I didn't mention how it reminded me of my faith.
I HOPE someone will be caused to think about God, or somehow be drawn to God, the true God, even through this excerpt...or through other journal entries, my comments, or my sample journal entry. Granted it might be a stretch, but God is all-powerful and could work even through something in connection with this if it is His will.
You never know...
Paul declared the true God to a people who had the appearances of being religious and who had " altar with this inscription, 'To the unknown god.'..." (Acts 17:23)
I didn't declare who God was in my response, but hopefully someone will, or hopefully he'll read my sample entry where I mentioned my "Christian faith" (though I didn't explain salvation) and possibly pause to consider God.
I don't know, God, but, in some way will You please use (if you haven't yet) this assignment to Your glory? Thank you...