God provides...
He provided for Hagar and her son, He provided for Abraham, He can provide for you & I...
Hagar had been sent away, and, in the wilderness with Abraham's child, they ran out of water...She was upset and didn't want to see her child die. The angel of God tells Hagar He will make her son into a great nation (in Gen. 21:18). And when Hagar's eyes were opened, she saw a well of water (in vs. 19). And vs. 20 says that God was with her son. Hagar may've felt desperate, rejected, lonely, and scared...and yet, God provided...
Yes, indeed, God provides...
In Gen. 22, God tested Abraham, and told him to offer up his son Isaac as an offering...So Abraham headed out, and must have been mulling this over for 3 days as he was heading to Moriah where he was to make this sacrifice. Imagine the thoughts in his head...did he really think he'd actually sacrifice his son, and that he'd come back to life, or did he think God would provide a lamb before that point? Whatever the case, he knew God would provide. Was he nervous as he told his son that "God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering" (in vs. 8)? Yet, again, God provided. And the angel of the LORD recognized that didn't withold his son from Him (vs. 12). And Abraham didn't have to sacrifice Isaac, in the end. Instead there was a ram that he was able to sacrifice. In vs. 14 it says that "Abraham called the name of that place, 'The LORD will provide'"...('provide' or 'will see'). And the angel of the LORD tells Abraham that because he did not withold his son, God would bless him (vs. 16-17).
God please help/make me to trust You will provide, and make me willing to sacrifice and not hold onto that which I should not hoard or dwell upon - be it thoughts, things, time, desires, or whatever... You will provide.
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