On helping those in need through God's love
So, next week in one of my classes we will be discussing an article – which gets me thinking of the power struggle between the more advantaged and the marginalized. In the article, an author quotes someone in regard to the issue of power between the researcher and the subject – when “the inquiry implies ‘that the participant needs fixing in some way’ … and hence becomes ‘confused with a mission to ‘save’ the participants’” … also in the article, one of the authors mentioned that “a critical researcher’s desire to promote social justice is understandably an admirable goal. However, we run the risk of romanticizing the narratives of people of color and inscribing them as helpless victims if data segments highlighting participants’ proactive roles in changing their situations are not included in the study”…I’d like to expand upon the notion of the power struggle that may occur when people feel they have something to offer those in need.
I think it could be a beneficial strategy for missions organizations, non-profit agencies and the like to first recognize the efforts that the marginalized community is already putting forth toward evangelism, physical/financial assistance, etc. The agencies could then work together with the locals as well as build upon the work already begun in the local community, if that community is approaching outreach in a way uncompromising of Biblical truth. (Perhaps this strategy is already often employed.) All the while, it is important to remember that it’s not simply the outsiders DOING the good works, (or even the locals for that matter), but that it is God’s sovereign plan that ultimately rules. The organizations should be mindful to look to HIM for the power, strength, and wisdom for how to best serve him.
While recognizing the efforts that the community of the marginalized, or those in need of some sort of spiritual or physical help, may be putting forth, of course sometimes/often people will see the desperate need of others – for physical, economical, or spiritual help (salvation). And, the advantaged may have something to offer – be it the saving Gospel of Christ, financial or medical assistance, or whatever. Of course, just because they are advantaged does NOT mean they should look down on the needy as lesser people. Not at all! I think rather than approaching the situation as a an issue of power, the advantaged should be more concerned with their attitudes as a whole – helping out through the power of God’s love, sharing God’s love with others – the stem being the love of God which stirs in them the love of others. So I think love and a desire to glorify God should take precedence over worrying about whether or not outreach is an issue of power. Hopefully God will give all parties a great sense of humility and love through which they honor and serve Him.
Hi Rachael,
Just perusing your blog site a little bit and I greatly enjoy it. I was glad to find the lyrics to that song which I loved to sing but never had quite memorized. Your blog about the article did make me think about how missionaries must be CERTAIN of their calling and usually native missionaries do the job a thousand times better than non-natives, SO what about us here in America? I think you should share your blog site with some other fellow TESOL peoples. I have a big problem with proclaiming and declaring the Truth but I want to do it but don't know how exactly sometimes, I've noticed distinct ways I interact with Christians and non-christians and find myself ashamed and subversive that I skirt around God when I talk to non-Cs.
I appreciate all the activities that you're using to reach out to others. I'm going ice-skating too Friday night but in Lynden with the RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) group! :)
I'll be praying for us and other Cs in our program that we can reach out and not be ashamed (my big issue). I was talking to Trisha about my future roommates and said they were 4 nice girls instead of Christian gals which I would have told any other Christian. Why do I do that? Blech.
Okay, whoa, sorry for such a long post...
Well put, Rachael, I enjoyed your comment. I Cor. 13. You made me think. I agree, all needs to be done in love (including humility!)and desire to glorify God. Included in admonition to love--while serving the needy, hopefully those who desire to serve don't forget to observe needs of the person God has put next to us. May God help me with that!!
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