
Repentance & Temptation

Piper refers to repentance as being an internal change of mind and heart. Can this internal change be the acknowledgement of one's sin, and realization that Jesus needs to be the one to do the changing? How does one change internally and undergo true repentance if s/he is still attached to the sin? Prayer? Change eternally first? Simply look to God? A mixture of some of that? Maybe a change of desire could be one method to encouraging/leading to heart change. James 1:14 says, "But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire." So if those desires are transformed, perhaps the temptations will decrease as well. On another note, I wonder what exactly 'temptation' is...can it be possible to be tempted without any evil desire? Hebrews 4:15 talks about Jesus being "one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin." So he was tempted...and even suffered. Hebrews 2:18 says, "he himself has suffered when tempted"... but does that word have a different meaning than it does in James 1:13, when it says, "...God cannot be tempted with evil..."? Maybe in the latter case it means there is no way God would give into the temptation...or maybe it means that He is finished with personally experiencing temptation?


Love never fails

Basically, I guess love should override things such as perceived narrow mindedness. Like, today, I think an enthusiastic reaction popped out of me when I found out that someone was involved with something. While that 'something' might be interesting for me to watch, and it's interesting that she's involved with it, I don't think I'd like to get too involved for religious reasons. She invited me to come on Thurs. or Fri. Even if I was free (doesn't look like I will be, but I didn't tell her it doesn't look like I'll be free), I guess it's possible I might not have to directly get involved. But if I was invited to participate, I don't think I'd feel comfortable. Basically I think it's a Japanese dance - maybe a practice - at a Buddhist church or something. While I find going to temples and watching cultural performances interesting, I don't think I'd feel comfortable participating in a dance that may have religious roots. That being said, I think there are customs here in America that may be rooted in pagan or other non-Christian beliefs that I may not feel uncomfortable with.

In general (not only in reference to this situation), perhaps I should not feel the need to have to have certain reactions or mask certain beliefs. That doesn't mean I necessarily need to proclaim all my beliefs and feelings, though. But I guess if there's ever a time when I share an opinion that differs from the mainstream, I should feel that even if I'm perceived to be narrow minded, if my comments or reactions are respectful, loving, or not cold or disrespectful, then things should be okay...


To have the faith of Abraham

Something I wrote last month (on 6/21) ~

"So, this time my thought is about something I read last night in Romans 4, when Abraham "did not weaken in faith" when he thought about his old body or "the barrennness of Sarah's womb. No distrust made him waver concerning the promiseof God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. That is why his faith was 'counted to him as righteousness.'"

His circumstances could have easily made him waver in his trust. But, despite them, he GREW, gave GLORY to God, and TRUSTED. Ideally, we too, in spite of unstable-appearing circumstances, will hopefully GROW, give GLORY, and TRUST."