
Out of the heart...

My sister was talking about focusing on the heart rather than the actions, and she made mention of someone thinking about actions (like pumping gas on Sundays) , and (perhaps that that person had been) church-taught certain stuff - like how to dress at church.

And, if I remember right, in the past, she had told me that I was focusing on how I want to be - the actions - rather than the change of heart.

Yes, indeed, we should focus on the heart rather than on the actions. The change of heart will result in the change of actions...

Thanks, sis, for the reminder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point. Like when Jesus got on the Pharisees about obsessing cleaning the outside of the cup, but the inside was a mess. Clean the inside first, then the outside will be clean. We do have to be careful--acting "spiritual" is easier than being spiritual. Ann