
Love never fails

Basically, I guess love should override things such as perceived narrow mindedness. Like, today, I think an enthusiastic reaction popped out of me when I found out that someone was involved with something. While that 'something' might be interesting for me to watch, and it's interesting that she's involved with it, I don't think I'd like to get too involved for religious reasons. She invited me to come on Thurs. or Fri. Even if I was free (doesn't look like I will be, but I didn't tell her it doesn't look like I'll be free), I guess it's possible I might not have to directly get involved. But if I was invited to participate, I don't think I'd feel comfortable. Basically I think it's a Japanese dance - maybe a practice - at a Buddhist church or something. While I find going to temples and watching cultural performances interesting, I don't think I'd feel comfortable participating in a dance that may have religious roots. That being said, I think there are customs here in America that may be rooted in pagan or other non-Christian beliefs that I may not feel uncomfortable with.

In general (not only in reference to this situation), perhaps I should not feel the need to have to have certain reactions or mask certain beliefs. That doesn't mean I necessarily need to proclaim all my beliefs and feelings, though. But I guess if there's ever a time when I share an opinion that differs from the mainstream, I should feel that even if I'm perceived to be narrow minded, if my comments or reactions are respectful, loving, or not cold or disrespectful, then things should be okay...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Respectfully disagreeing with something is a hard one. Even if you are respectful, the person may take your disagreement personally. I struggle with hurting someone's feelings vs. compromising who I am. It's a struggle, but we should be able to show who we are, just like they are able to show who they are. I agree with what you are saying, keeping gentleness & respect foremost in our minds, while sharing our own thoughts is what we should focus on, and then let the chips fall where they may.