Hiding the secret...
I just read a diary (the students had to write diaries for my class) where a student poured out his heart, expressing his negative emotions. Here is part of his entry (not sure if it's all his own words; it's exceptionally good for his level):
I felt sad today but I don't know why? I thought suddenly, I came to one of those bleak periods that many us encounter from time to time, a sudden drastic dip in the graph of living when everything goes stale and flat, energy frightening. The barren days dragged on, and the paralysis grew worse. I don't want to go to school, I don't want to go out with my friend. I only want to sit alone in my bed room. I wish I can walk alone on the beach, stand there and shout. Some times, I think about myself because I'm just kidding when I think everything will be good for me but it's not true. [....] I can't understand the problem of my life. [...]And in my comment, what do I write? Absolutely nothing about Christ. I keep the solution hidden.
And last month another student wrote that she's a Christian but doesn't go to church in Seattle. She felt sad about this. She hates her host family and wrote: "They never lead me go to church. I bring a lot of crime with Christ. I feel sad about this." I'm not sure if she's saved, but she could be. Did my comments back to her do anything? She never talked to me about her problem. I think I'm okay with the way I handled her situation, though she never verbally opened up about it...
But with the guy who expressed his sadness, I'm keeping the secret to contentment hidden...
Although aspects my faith have leaked out in my interactions with students before, perhaps I should strive to be bolder and more proactive? What would Paul do...?
Now for that grading...who knows what I might discover next...
[...later in the evening....]
Aha! I found something else written by the student I first mentioned in this post...oh...he wrote:
Indeed, seldom do I cling my mind to anything but maybe, I do, do now....It's the first times I've failed to struggle with my conscience, and conceded victory of my heart. God! bless me. Any way, thank you for one times making me not myself. Believe in me, every truth following is guaranteed, go back to my life, and back to the true [or time?].I suppose now's the chance...I don't know if he meant "God" to refer to "God", or if he meant it like "Gosh"...I don't know who the "you" is...is it "God"? Who knows...okay, so I just wrote a comment that included a bit about God. But really, only God knows if and where that helicopter seed might land...
Now, back to grading galore...
Regarding how much you can bring God into the classroom, I encourage you to contact the American Center for Law and Justice. They have some booklets for teachers to help them understand where the boundaries are for Christians in teaching positions. In America, anyway. Good luck to you!
Thanks BDB. I wonder if they have stuff for com. colleges too...I suppose my sister might know about elementary schools. I should talk to her about it sometime - she's told me a bit about the kids' interest in spiritual matters and about her holding back...wow...people really are thirsty. Hope all who thirst follow that to find the One who can quench it...
My brother graduated from primary (elementary) school 8 years ago.. and yet each year at christmas and his birthday he will recieve a card or even gift from his ex-teacher.
I know that's an extreme example, but its an example of a guy who is really in it for the long haul... and i bet there are a lot less rules relating to ex-students who have become friends :]
Thanks for stopping by! That's so cool that your brother still receives things from his ex-teacher! How fun.
As for your last comment...Relationships can be neat venues through which to share the faith, can't they...
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