
Always be prepared...

...Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have... - 1 Peter 3:15

So Wednesday night I presented the gospel to an AWANA girl, and we prayed together for her to accept. But how deep did the roots go? So much information in so little time. My drawing and explanation may have lacked clarity. Good thing her salvation does not rest upon my measly attempt. The counsel time later that evening was about salvation, but even then I wonder if it was clear enough to someone who may have just heard for the first or second time. Afterwards we received booklets providing information and verses about Jesus. Hopefully she'll read the booklet. The church's children's ministry director later told me that there is a Bible club at the child's school. Also she may talk with her during the handbook time next week. Hopefully there will be follow-up, and hopefully there is or will be a faith that will grow. Perhaps I rushed things? Regardless of whether or not she grasps salvation and the faith enough at this point, God can use anything to plant seeds and accomplish His purposes, and it's neat to think He may have planted or watered seeds in her heart...

We don't always know when an opportunity to share Christ might arise. I should seek to be prepared to speak of this great Hope should opportunities arise again in the future.

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