
With paws raised...

Someone was telling me about a particular animal analogy she had, and I asked her to write a blurb about it. Here is part of her response:

"It's how I remember as a kid seeing cartoons where the animal would 'die' from some cartoon catastrophe, and they would flip onto their backs with all four legs in the air. Equating that to myself before God...

[...] that's just the scene that comes into my head at various times, when I realize yet again, I have nothing in myself, I'm "dead" with all four legs up in the air.

It's then that I breathe out a sigh of a sort of "death" and somehow, as I continue then plodding ahead with daily duties, no one may even know what turmoil I have, He somehow breathes this still small breeze of life into me. I don't try to imagine how He would fix me, or wrack my brain to figure it out, or what I will try to read to fix myself. Because I can't--there are times I just can't. And I'm tired of the clutter in my head.

So I fling my body onto my back so to speak, and stick my legs up in the air. I don't even say, "Do something!!" I just lay down, dying, once again, before God. I just can't do it. I don't have the will to, or the power. I don't have the words to ask for this huge transformation that I need.

And when I do "die", [...] but in my mind I stay there. I don't "die" and then suddenly flip back up and start, okay, now, let's get this show on the road! I stay dead. Until, who knows how long? I may realize later, I am breathing fresh air! I don't know, it's murky."

(edited 2/14, pic changed on 2/18)

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