

In trying to connect the idea of idolatry in the Bible to life, the following questions might come to mind: What is my idol? What desires might I be prioritizing above my pursuit of God? Interesting questions, but, do we ever think of the evil power that might be at work behind idols or in places of worship of other religions...?

While I have an impression that many people today might tend to view Buddhism/Shinto beliefs more as a cultural practice than a deeply engrained faith, perhaps I'd been complacent in not seriously taking to heart the supernatural power that might be at play and the grasp it might have on peoples' hearts. Look at this picture.

Who are they praying to? Do they know? Do they mean it? Is it wishful thinking? Is it a belief in a power that they MIGHT have seen revealed in their lives? Is it simply custom/culture, or is there at least a bit of a belief in the supernatural as well...? If they do believe in a god(s)/supernatural power, do they believe it has any connection with idols?

On the surface it might seem 'silly' to believe in idols. Exodus 32 holds the story of the golden calf. When Moses didn't come down right away, the people asked Aaron to make gods. What? Make gods? Why would they even think such a thing? Why would they possibly lose faith in God or maybe believe in Him and other gods? After all God's done...

Last Saturday I was talking about idolatry with a friend, and she brought up the idea that there is or might be evil spirits behind the idols. I think she reminded me of the time when the Egyptian magicians converted their staffs into serpents, but that "Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs" (Ex. 7:12). So maybe evil spirits do unleash their power in connection with idol worship and in other spiritual settings.

Perhaps evil spirits are working behind idols and in temples and shrines, and may have a grasp on many hearts. Good thing the one true God is greater and more powerful than any other power out there...

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