
Reason for the Hope, Part II (My Journey)

We can infer from Part I how even in times of doubt, we can know WHO to turn to, and we can reflect upon WHO He is and WHAT He’s done. He is faithful and sustains even when faith or trust quavers (explicitly or implicitly); He remains as the rock to which we can cling.

While I believe the ultimate reason I’m a born-again Christian is that I’ve been predestined and chosen by God (Eph. 1:11), I would like to take some time to reflect upon my personal journey of faith and explore the footprints of God’s faithfulness and sovereignty in my life.

In the beginning…

The sparks began in a conversation between a 3 year old (me) and a 29 year old (my mom). A picture in the newspaper of a burned boy was what fueled this spiritual question and answer session between my mother and I. By the end of the conversation, I knew that I wanted Christ in my life, and that I wanted to be with Him when I died. Although at this point in my life (as is evident from later things I said as a young child), I lacked an understanding of the gospel of grace and an understanding of who Jesus was, I believe that I believed in Jesus as best I knew how with my limited knowledge. (Of course I will never be able to fully grasp some of the seeming paradoxes of the faith, but over the years I have come to understand more of who God is and that salvation is by grace through faith).

What Christianity has meant to me over time…

While along with age comes an increasing sense of confidence in some areas (still heavily lacking in certain areas, though), I wonder if I had more boldness in some ways in the naivety of my younger years. For example, in high school, somehow, schoolwork at times became an outlet for the sharing of my faith. The cover of a portfolio and my “Personal Credo” (evidently explaining the cover) I did for an English class in my Junior year clearly convey the message of salvation (more in the credo, though embedded in my picture on the front cover are the words faith, love, hope, JESUS, complete with a DEAD END sign at the edge of a cliff). In that same portfolio I wrote about the role of my mom in my conversion experience and spiritual growth. My senior year of high school I wrote a paper reflecting upon my experience of the transformation of my mind through the words: That’s why Jesus died. Ah! Found a journal entry I wrote on October 26, 1996 regarding the experience:

Some time ago this swim season, I was torturing myself mentally in a swim practice. I wanted to die because of how I acted or something I did. Then a thought came to me. ‘That’s why Jesus died.’ What a neat thought – knowing that we don’t have to die for our sins but that that’s why Jesus died – so we can go to heaven. God probably gave me that thought. :) Praise God!

That’s why Jesus died…So that we don't have to face eternal punishment, He took the penalty our sin deserves upon Himself and nailed it to a cross. He rose again and is alive today. That same power who raised Jesus from the dead works in us who look to Him as the Savior of our sin. In Him we can have hope in this life and the life to come…

To be continued...

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