
Eyes wide open...

So an ex-classmate used to have the following Lisel Salzer (artist) quote on her facebook profile:

I consider myself very lucky to be a painter. I think, if I think of all the poor people who labor all week until they have a weekend to enjoy themselves and a painter enjoys himself every day whatever they do because it's not just while we paint that we enjoy ourselves it's looking and observing becomes so much part of it, whatever we do we kind of paint, don't you know, even if we don't put it down on paper, if we look at a human face, it's interesting, if we look at a flower, if we look at a house, at a scene, at the tree, at a dog at a cat, at anything.

While I don't literally have a painter's eye, I do want to employ a sort-of 'open eye' approach to life. Noticing happenings and timings through an eternal lens transforms the mundane into something glorious.

The orchestration of our life details is much more awesome (see definition #1) when we open our eyes to the wonders of God.

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