
Do Hard Things

Skim the whole thing but let the following blurbs from Do Hard Things, by Alex and Brett Harris whet your appetite...

This world would have you think that your best life would be a life in which you were able to completely avoid responsibility and effort. But a life like that could be compared to the strange fish that live in the complete darkness of the deepest parts of the ocean, who never come in contact with a hard object their entire lives, and whose flesh has become completely translucent. That is a picture of what we're asking for when we desire a life of ease.
If you can take only one thing from this article, take this: Our greatest joy and satisfaction comes not from avoiding hard things but from joyfully embracing them.

This is how the same Jesus who said, "If anyone would come after me let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me," could also say, "for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
— knowing that the loving God who would never leave us as we are and who desires our growth, will also delight with the first feeble, stumbling effort you make tomorrow to do the simplest hard thing for His glory.

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