
Citizen of Heaven...

Bus people are interesting. Recently I was an awkward position, however. Actually, it was a bit like an experience related in Elisabeth Elliot's Discipline: The glad surrender, that I posted here, only I had to decide which opinion to follow. One woman really wanted me to open a window, so I stood up, and, in attempting to get other opinions, one woman seemed hesitant because of the rain issue [it may or may not have been raining at that moment]. Perhaps I should've taken a full-on vote, but I decided against opening the window. At some point someone else opened a window, and I heard the assertive woman talk well of that gesture, saying something like "Oh that was nice" (perhaps for me to overhear? Who knows, who cares).

Stronger personalities can be intimidating or can be uncomfortable to interact with, but I should love people of all personalities, and hopefully I'll learn to love, learn, and grow through interactions with all types.

One thing I like about the bus community is the variety of socioeconomic classes. I believe a 'tent city' is currently hosted in a location near one of the bus stops, so that, along with the downtown stops, may be among the reasons for the diverse bus community. It's interesting to listen in on the conversations and comments. I've heard mention of church, but do they believe in the truth? Have they heard? And then there's the woman who I believe said something extreme - something to the extent of how life sucks. And today did I overhear someone seated far from me talk about wanting to kill themselves? Not sure. But there's a lot of bus brokenness, no matter the socioeconomic class, no matter whether the brokenness is voiced or kept silent. Perhaps manifested through expressed frustration with the heat or a comment reflecting a sincere heart cry. There's just plain lots of bleeding hearts all over this earth-tent we call home. Lots of it. Just yesterday a man asked for prayer at a small group - he's in physical pain possibly nearly all or all the time. Can't imagine that. Just yesterday I learned a bit of a friend's situation (though I do not know all the details) that has since been resolved at least in part (though I'm sure there will be emotions and things to be dealt with).

Sure puts perspective on my 'woes'. How glad I am to be a citizen of heaven. Philippians 3:20:

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
This earth is my 'tent city'. 2 Cor. 5:4-5:
For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened—not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.
God please provide opportunities for me to share Your hope with others, and make me use them...

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