
A role model

On the front page of a local newspaper is a big article called "Each Day is a Gift" -- and above the pictures, in italics are the words "For a former pastor turning 100, faith has been an unfailing guide"...on the back page of the section, the article continues, and in big font are the words " 'I know the Bible has the answer' "...wow. Granted, it's a LOCAL paper -- but still...isn't that neat? There's a huge picture of the man and his family members on the front page. Anyway...here are some quotes from this article:

"He chuckles easily as he delights in the word of God. 'Stop and relish it, like a good piece of candy,' he tells his Bible study class. They nod and smile along with him. 'I believe the word of God is wonderful to use every day of your life.'"

"Larson has diligently memorized verse after verse through the years. 'I have been preaching the gospel for over 74 years. I have dedicated my life to this book,' he said, patting an open page in his King James version of the Bible."

" 'Now, almost inevitably, people talk to me with a question or concern, and I have trouble keeping from preaching,' he said. 'I know the Bible has the answer. 'I'm just full of the Bible.'"

" 'He's got a certain peace about him,' Munroe said. 'He's got such a reservoir of God's word that he's built for himself. He's a walking, talking Bible.'"

Wow. What a compliment!!

Dear God, please use this article to get people thinking about you. Please use this article to draw people close to you. Thank you ~~

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