
God's "memorial-name"

God's "memorial-name" as described in Exodus 3:15 -- "The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob"

In verse 15, it is further noted that "this is . . . [God's] name forever. . .to all generations."

I like this. Knowing that God is the God of my ancestors. He has stood the test of time and proved His faithfulness time and time again. Perhaps He wanted Moses and the Israelites to always remember this special name so that they would be drawn closer to HIM. Perhaps this special name served as a heart-engraven reminder of God's covenant to their forefathers. With this covenant ever implanted in the forefront of their minds, they could perhaps better endure their hardships waiting for the time of deliverance. If they could remember the faithfulness God has shown their ancestors, perhaps it could help them trust in the fulfillment of His covenant.

Waiting for the light in expectation with the knowledge of God's faithfulness shown since time's beginning.

I want to patiently wait for the light that God brings and remember the faithfulness God has shown. God please teach me your faithfulness and let me remember the times You have shown me faithfulness. God please show me how You have proven faithful to others throughout the Bible and throughout the centuries.

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