
Prayer Quotes & Prayer

Quotes I found online:

When you pray, rather let your heart be without words than your words without heart. ~John Bunyan

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?-- Corrie Ten Boom

Accustom yourself gradually to carry Prayer into all your daily occupation -- speak, act, work in peace, as if you were in prayer, as indeed you ought to be. --François Fénelon

My Sacrifice, A Prayer:

Laid on thine altar, O my Lord divine,
Accept this gift today, for Jesus’ sake.
I have no jewels to adorn thy shrine,
Nor any world-famed sacrifice to make;
But here I bring, within my trembling hand,
This will of mine – a thing that seemeth small;
And thou alone, O Lord, canst understand
How, when I yield this thee, I yield mine all.

Hidden therein thy searching gaze canst see
Struggles of passions, visions of delight,
All that I have, or am, or fain would be –
Deep loves, fond hopes and longings infinite.
It hath been wet with tears, dimmed with sighs,
Clenched in my grasp till beauty hath it none.
Now, from thy footstool, where it vanquished lies,
The prayer ascendeth – “May thy will be done!”

Take it, O Father, ere my courage fail;
And merge it so in Thine own will that I
May never have a wish to take it back;
When heart and courage fail, to thee I’ll fly.
So change, so purify, so like thine own,
Make thou my will so graced by love divine
I may not know or feel it as mine own,
But recognize my will as one with Thine.

C.T. Russell


For where your treasure is . . .

Luke 12:34 -- "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

I was reorganizing a photo album today -- yeah, not the most productive thing I could've been doing :)


So I've had a ton of experiences!!! In Japan, and in other countries (I was dealing w/ Japan pictures, though...)

But...what is it that I remember? Yeah, I love rice fields, and I love the appearances of street scenes with cute buildings/shops all around, spectacular nature views, and random close-ups...In part, the scenery of particular places will remain in my heart -- the beauty of Shirokawa-go (in Japan), and Cameron Highlands (in Malaysia), etc.

However, is the beauty enough to make life ultimately meaningful...? Not 100%.

I guess what I remember when I look back on life (not only my Japan experience) would tend to be the people, experiences, struggles, & spiritual concepts.

A glimpse at my apartment decorations and belongings might on the surface place me in the "Miss International" category.

Yes, the international world is definitely a part of my core.

What's the heart of my core, though?

I guess what excites me is people coming to Christ, thinking/talking about deep matters, and when they're really knowledgeable about the Bible.

However, is that my core, or just what excites me when I see these things in others?

Maybe I should be more proactive in personally taking on characteristics that seem to be wedged into my heart core.

I did send out an e-mail asking if people would be interested in getting a group together to engage in deep conversation. Maybe I should just schedule something and hope people come and 'engage'...



How do you decide if you should do something 'big'?

First be content with doing the 'small and mundane', because even if you do the 'big', once you do that, life may still seem 'small & mundane'? And then once people get semi-established, I wonder if it's hard to pursue the 'big'...like now that I'm now I'm moved out (well, I still need to go through a bunch of junk back home), how would I ever even consider doing the 'big', unless I strive for the 'big' in the middle of the seemingly mundane life...and yeah, so maybe I'm on my way to being 'established', but, whatever that means, ... 'established' as a single individual who has possibly lived 1/3 + of her life, and possibly who will have a new kitten next month? Will that be my 'establishment'? What happened to my big 'dreams' of the past? Now here I am - all grown up, and in a time of transition. Now what...

"Homeless Seattle" videoclip

Homelessness Clip